Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Larger than life-sized work in progress

Stab-stitching lately, as a healthy alternative to stabbing people. In-progress? Or finished? Don't know.


I think adding beads to this guy will just make him look tacky.


Sequel to the penguins and might be improved with beads. Also should have made the square on the left a circle...


Epic fail! Found the heart appliqued on the background in a box and should have just left it there.

The cat is twisted into a dead-cockroach shape behind a pile of synthetic fabric remnants, which is apparently where he goes to shed when he's not shedding on the ironing board or the middle of my bed.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

LOVE the Alien! Larger than lifesize, indeed. I'm glad to have found you again, or glad you found ME...always enjoyed your posts (and attitude!) so don't lose touch again!